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Most Important Symbols in Cosmetic Labels

Most Important Symbols in Cosmetic Labels Sunday, 06 September 2020 I already talked about what a label must include complying with the legal requirements; you can read it HERE. As I mentioned in that post, some of the information comes in a symbol form, therefore the importance of knowing the meaning of each symbol. I…

Understanding cosmetic labels

Hello my lovely people out there!!!! It is very important to know what the products we apply on our skin contain and not only to buy or not depending on what you like more or you need in that particular moment but also because a much more serious reason. You can be allergic to some…

July’s Empties

Hello Everybody! This is the first post I am going to write about my empties. Before I started with this blog I used to bin the empty products straight away but I am keeping them to show you what I finish each month and to tell you if I like enough for buy them again…

Revolution Beauty Order: A Happy-Ending Story

Hello my lovely people out there!!!! I recently received a parcel with products I ordered from Revolution Beauty. It was a long way to have all the products I ordered, do you want to know why? Continue reading the post and you will know the whole story.   I placed my order the 4th May…

Welcome home!!!!!

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog!!!!!   I am very excited today, my new project is coming to life and I am scared about how it will work. I love makeup and all related with skincare. When I was a little girl I used to take my mum’s lipstick and paint all around my…