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I am very excited today, my new project is coming to life and I am scared about how it will work. I love makeup and all related with skincare. When I was a little girl I used to take my mum’s lipstick and paint all around my mouth, looking as a clown…… I became teenager in the 80s and at that time life was different. Nowadays is very common to see a 13 years old girl with tons of makeup on her face but in the 80s, at the same age, you were still a girl, playing girly games and don’t thinking in makeup. At the early age of 14-15 years old I started to fight with my mum because of the makeup. I wanted to use it and my mum used to tell me, and I cannot forget her worlds: “Don’t rush to be adult, you will want to be teenager again, enjoy that time”. And that was true, but I know now. At that time I used to hide my makeup from my mum and apply after leaving home. Then, I used to clean my face before coming back.

I grew up and I started to makeup daily. My shelf was full of brushes, pressed powder, eyeshadows and any product available at that moment, which obviously were so much less than what we can get now. But my love for makeup was there and I was advancing at the same pace as makeup product were, trying to get the new releases and keeping updated about every new product.

I am 45 years old now, my skin is not as good as it used to be, and I am now interested in the skincare product also. That was a big mistake. I thought that because I was young and my skin was nice I didn’t need to use skincare product and I realize now that I should started to use them before and some of the problems I have now would not be there.

I have dry skin, very dry in some areas as elbow, feet and knees, with some age and solar hyperpigmentation. I have warm undertone, being light to medium in winter and bit more tanned in summer. My hair is black and my eyes are dark brown. I am the typical Andalusian person.

I hope you like my project and you want to join me in this adventure. I will be publishing reviews about product I try, articles about makeup and skincare, my monthly shopping, my empties, and all what come to my mind. I would like to publish one post every week but some week I will publish more than one, as when I receive my subscription boxes. You can follow me in Instagram and Pinterest.

See you soon.

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Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

I love beauty and skincare, try new products, and share my opinion with you. All my knowledge comes from years of experience and reading articles. I have dry skin, Fitzpatrick type IV, warm undertone, and my main concern is hyperpigmentation. Keep in mind that what works for me may not work for you. We are all different and products can have different results on your skin. Want to talk? Email me at contact@irenebeautyandmore.com

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