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Autumn Skincare Routine to Keep a Healthy Skin

I can´t believe it, but it is autumn again!!!! Lovely sunny days are over now and we are walking fast to winter days. It is time to change to an autumn skincare routine.

Autumn is a transition time, a transition season when we move from the hot and sunny days of summer to the cold, rainy wintertime. Our skin is still recovering from the summer excess, sun exposure, sweat, hot and dry environments, etc.

It will be soon exposed to the cold and windy weather of winter and we should have special care. It is, therefore, important to modify our skincare routine to get our skin ready for the cold season.


Autumn Skincare Routine focus points

During summer our main concern is to protect the skin against harmful UV solar radiation. Though that is extremely important all year round and we should keep using sunscreen, in autumn we will be focusing on the following aspects:

  • Repair the skin
  • Equilibrate our skin
  • Hydrate it.

My ideal Autumn skincare routine

My ideal and basic autumn skincare routine consist of five steps. In addition, I treat myself with a sheet mask once a week, as a reward for a hard-working week.



It is always important to cleanse our skin, but we should keep special attention during this time of the year.

I like to cleanse my face twice a day – morning and night —  using cold water (I mean cold water, not freezing water) and gentle soap.1


Autumn is the season when we should pay special attention to exfoliation. Exfoliation will eliminate dead cells and, therefore, the skin will absorb better the active ingredients we apply. This link contains suggestions of good products to use during this part of the year.


Antioxidants are important as they protect your skin against external agents. They also help to repair the skin.

There are several antioxidant molecules available but among them, the most effective are ferulic acid and vitamin C. Both of them work catching and deactivating the free radicals produced by the sunlight. These free radicals are responsible for changes in skin pigmentation and also they break the collagen structure and contribute to skin ageing.


Skin hydration is the most important step in my autumn skincare routine. We should hydrate our skin from inside, drinking plenty of water, and from outside, with the use of serums and creams with hyaluronic acid as the main ingredient.


Radiation protection

Finally, we can never forget sun protection (remember this was the most important step in the summer skincare routine). Though the days are not sunny anymore, UV radiation is still present and reaches our skin even through glass. 

Nowadays we are also exposed to the blue light of the visible spectrum. This blue light is a common topic these days. It comes from PCs, laptops, tablets, phones, and any device with a screen. We should also protect our skin from this radiation, as it can damage our skin as the UV radiation does, producing dark spots and contributing to skin ageing.

An extra step for the Autumn Skincare Routine

As I mentioned earlier,  once a week I like to take an extra step and apply a sheet mask. At this time of the year, I like to apply hydrating masks to give extra hydration to my skin. BeautyPro has a good range of sheet masks for the autumn season.

Do you modify your skincare routine following the seasons? Which type of routine do you like for autumn? Let me know in the comments.

And remember, sharing is caring.


Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

I love beauty and skincare, try new products, and share my opinion with you. All my knowledge comes from years of experience and reading articles. I have dry skin, Fitzpatrick type IV, warm undertone, and my main concern is hyperpigmentation. Keep in mind that what works for me may not work for you. We are all different and products can have different results on your skin. Want to talk? Email me at contact@irenebeautyandmore.com

One Comment

  • Katrina

    29 September, 2021 at 13:50

    These are great tips! I have to add more hydrating products to my skincare routine as the weather gets colder. My skin gets unbelievably dry as soon as the weather changes.


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